Golf Shop 704-781-5231
Auto Attendant 704-870-4600

Spark Golf League

Wednesdays at 5:00pm starting 3/24/21 at Red Bridge Golf Club

Ready to play Spark Golf? Spark is a 9-hole, social golf league organized to be casual and fun, with a touch of friendly competition.

Joining the league is free! League rounds are available for purchase each week or you can save money by pre-paying for 9 or 18 rounds.

Join as a 2-person team or as a single. Play as your schedule allows, earning points based on how you finish each round throughout the season.

26 available rounds between 3/24/21 – 9/15/21. Play as much or as little as your schedule allows. Most of all, have fun!


Register as a 2 person team or as a single. We’ll pair you with a partner if you don’t have one. Handicaps provided.


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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9